Monday, April 27, 2009

when an sms can touch ur heart!

hey! this was a message i received early one morning from a very clse friend of mine when the person she loved started drifting away from her. with her permission, i decided to put this on my blog since the message was written with her heart and soul put into it.

"As the new day dawns, i am here on my bed drowned in his memories. my soul is tormented with the thought that he is completely avoiding me. He was a star in my sky. i was an earthly being, and all i could do was to stay here and admire him and now suddenly he has gone. the star i used to gaze at everyday has become invisible. maybe its hidden behind the clouds.oh god!i search for it like crazy. why did you do this lord? why cant i even look at the star from a distance?why did you have to take it away from me? i am tired of searching for my lost star. tears trickle down my cheek. my ripped soul is screaming in agony. how long will this feeling go on? oh jesus! help me!"

1 comment:

  1. nice post
