Monday, April 27, 2009

when an sms can touch ur heart!

hey! this was a message i received early one morning from a very clse friend of mine when the person she loved started drifting away from her. with her permission, i decided to put this on my blog since the message was written with her heart and soul put into it.

"As the new day dawns, i am here on my bed drowned in his memories. my soul is tormented with the thought that he is completely avoiding me. He was a star in my sky. i was an earthly being, and all i could do was to stay here and admire him and now suddenly he has gone. the star i used to gaze at everyday has become invisible. maybe its hidden behind the clouds.oh god!i search for it like crazy. why did you do this lord? why cant i even look at the star from a distance?why did you have to take it away from me? i am tired of searching for my lost star. tears trickle down my cheek. my ripped soul is screaming in agony. how long will this feeling go on? oh jesus! help me!"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

my 6 gems!!! love you girls :-)

well its been quite a while since ive blogged!! but then today i was thinking of how my life wouldve been without the six closest girlfriends i have!!!! sneha, anjali, sanam, meiling, sukanya and gauthami!!! all of them came into my life at different points and have hepled me sooo much through the darkest of hours and have shared me happiness through the best of times!!!

Sanam- i can still remember the day we became friends when we were in the second standard! she help out a bubble gum for me and asked me if i wanted it!! that day a bond was made. a bond soo soo strong that no matter where we are and how old we get. ill always know that she will be there for me and me for her.

anjali- we met in thir standard and then we were a trio and still our. anjali sanam and sunaina. those days in calicut when we were free birds not bogged by down by the worries of tomorrow!! we were the bestests of friends and still are!!

sneha-it is very difficult for me to think of anything that sneha doesn know about me. met her when i was 11. i still remember the first time swati introduced me to her. she was tall slender and i was like "woah sooo tall" and her uniform was always a lil too short for her :-) from the small crushes to boyfriends to adult jokes and girls talk we ve had all the funn normal teens have!!!
gauthami-if it weren for her, i wouldn have survived in college!! trust a college like mine, its soo soo very hard to find people as open minded as her! she is the best critic anyone can find and always has a watchful mama's eye on me! and she is always soo right about the guys i date or even ahve a crush on. she'll be like "no hes right " or "ewww he sucks" and finally whatever she says turns out to be right!!! i have to really apopgise to her for singing and talking non stop in class!!! :-)
meiling- the sis i don have!! meiling is the half chinese half golti sis i have!!! i treat her like the younger one!!! i have neevr met a more animated personality than her in my life. she is pure fun!!! and you should see the look on her face when she gives me "adult" advice!!! super cute!! my best friends, my lil(tall) sis!!! :-)
sukanya-funn times , dance times more funn times more dance times!! this is the only thing i can think about when i think of sukanya amd meiling!!! we re all company dancers at swingers and i think its the best thing that has happened to us!! we all share the passion for dance and we love what we do and we love each other!!

p.s. this post goes out to all the girls who have girlfriends they love!! my life wouldve been incomplete with you'll!!! :-)